Lets be free, free from addiction

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What Is Rehabilitation

When people hear the word rehab they envision patients in straight jackets, however, this is far from the truth.Rehab' usually refers to a person being placed in a residential rehabilitation unit, but it can also refer to 'out patient' treatment, support groups and care centers. The patients are often treated for heavy drug or alcohol decency but people may also go into rehab to deal with gambling or sex addictions. These placements usually last between six and 12 weeks but they can continue for much longer; some very severe cases can stay for up to a year. Residential Centers are usually placed within rural settings. It is thought that by removing the person from their habits and contacts(friends they drink with, dealers they know) they will have the time and sobriety to focus on their drug addiction using counseling and other non-medical treatments and therapies. Some people are able to get to grips with their problem without professional help, however most require the more structured methods of rehab and the support that comes with it.

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